Many firms rely on compensations to achieve their climate goals. Now it is clear that they bought their way out for years with certificates which brought much less of a CO2 savings than they had promised. In the following text you will learn more about the trade in CO2-certificates and why swissconnect instead prefers supporting its customers with concrete emissions reduction measures in the express courier industry – since 1999.
Offers for CO2-compensation are often dubious
Firms and private persons cannot carry out "not climate friendly activities" and compensate for the accumulated emissions by purchasing CO2-certificates. These certificates financially support for example a reforestation project in Latin America. This voluntary trade in certificates has practically no effect, as the research done by the German newspaper DIE ZEIT and The Guardian have revealed. A majority of the certificates come from forest protection projects for which the potential savings were assessed as much too high, such as recently shown by the Zurich-based company South Pole, for example. Even firms from the transport industry bought themselves climate-neutrality and good PR.

Avoid on-site emissions instead of buying CO2-certificates
Since the company was founded in 1999, swissconnect has supported its clients in solving transportation problems in the express division and quite incidentally in reducing the CO2-emissions produced in transport. The unique swissconnect-transport system is not just the fastest, but also the most ecologically sound property for transporting urgently needed goods like lab samples, replacement parts, and documents all over Switzerland. Through the clever combination of the form of transportation best suited to the specific case (train, bicycle, car) we are not only faster, but also massively reduce the CO2-emission. Our CO2-calculator shows the saved emissions which we communicate to our clients.
Are you still relying on the purchase of CO2-certificates or on concrete measures for reducing emission in the transportation industry?

Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with me. Whether by phone, e-mail or during a personal visit - I am there for you.